Viterbi Decoder (IP Core)

The Viterbi core implements a convolutional Viterbi decoder suitable for IEEE 802.11 a/g and Hiperlan/2. It can be implemented using a Register Exchange (RE) structure or a Trace-Back (TB) structure, depends on the area and latency requirements. Its more important features and an a performance examples are shown below.

Viterbi core features:

  • Fixed code rate of 1/2
  • Constraint length K from 4 to 9
  • Hard and quantized Soft decision Decoding
  • Parameterizable options for soft data input from 2 to 10 bits
  • Register Exchange and Trace-back method for survivor memory
  • Variable traceback length up to 160
  • Best state logic traceback
  • Fully synchronous 1x or 2x versions

Implementation example

The Viterbi core was implemented in a Virtex-5 device (speed grade -3) with the following features:

  • Code rate = 1/2
  • Constraint length K = 7
  • 6 bits Soft decision decoding
  • Taceback length D = 63
  • Register Exchange and Trace-Back method
  • Fully synchronous 1x version

The following table shows the area, maximum data rate, latency and power consumption achieved by this core:

Register Exchange
Area [slices]
4113 Slices
2178 Slices
Area [BSRAMs]
Max. Data Rate
310 Mbps
320 Mbps
72 Clock cycles
199 Clock cycles

The next figure shows the layout for the previous Viterbi implementation using Register Exchange method

Register Exchange Viterbi Layout