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- Title: Sustainable optical technologies for millimeter-wave and visible-light access communications in 6G networks (OPTIMISE)
Support: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Grant: PID2021-126514OB-I00
Period: 2022-2024
- Title: Energy eFficient hybrid Optical networks for indoor Communications And Lighting (FOCAL)
Support: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Grant: RTI2018-101658-B-I00
Period: 2019-2021
- Title: Multidimensional Multiplexing Optical Transmission Technology in Multicore Fiber for Optical Access and Wireless Backhaul Networks (XCORE)
Support: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Grant: TEC2015-70858-C2-2-R
Period: 2016-2019
- Title: Digital processing of optical signals in waveguides (OPTOPRO)
Support: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Grant: TEC2012-38558-C02-02
Period: 2013-2015
- Title: FEC algorithms and architectures for future communication systems
Support: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Grant: TEC2011-27916
Period: 2012-2014
- Title: Optic OFDM
Support: Politechnic University of Valencia
Period: 2010-2011
- Title: FEC architectures for very high throughput communication systems
Support: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Grant: TEC2008-06787
Period: 2009-2011
- Title: Advanced algorithms for error correction
Support: Spanish Ministry of Industry. Grant: TSI-020100-2008-141
Period: 2008-2009
- Title: FPGA implementation of algorithms for broadband wireless communication systems
Support: Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Grant: TEC2005-08406-C03-01
Period: 2006-2008
- Title: Reconfigurable Hardware in broadband communication systems
Support: Generalitat Valenciana. Grant: GV06/114
Period: 2006-2007
- Title: Design of optimized IP cores for OFDM-based wireless LAN
Support: Spanish Ministry of Science and Tecnology. Grant: TIC2001-2688-C03
Period: 2002-2004
- Title: Design on FPGA of communication circuits
Support: Generalitat Valenciana. Grant: GV00-093-14
Period: 2001-2002
- Title: Design of custom digital signal processors
Support: Politechnic University of Valencia
Period: 2000-2001